Sunday, January 4, 2015

My latest makeup

Attended wedding party of my hubby's friend... 

Pool side party at night... 

Nude with soft smokey eyes... My signature makeup hahahahha it's me bgtt  :D 

I love pink, purple, nude color, pastels, in love with them!

Here the photos at the wedding...


Terinspirasi dr bbrp ig, dr artis till MUA sperti trend lippen gothic lg membahana...

Liat Ig nya Dian sastro dtg ke acara FFI di palembang kmren, makeupnya jg gothic... Makeup mata nya simpel lebi menonjolkan warna lippennya yg "vamp" warnanya... So check it out, tp jgn ngarep aku bakal mirip Disas yaaa hahahahah just inspired by Disas n trends yg lg hapening eaaakkk :p

Perfect combo between nude eye makeup n vamp lippen ;)

Lippen : nyx simply lipstik (vamp series) lupa namanya 😅

Jd inget film romantic sepanjang masa yaa vampir2 kece di twilight hahahahahaha klo setting makeup bgini :D

So long..

It's been so long since i write the latest post... I'm so busy :( 

Since march 1st 2014 i was moved to Rumbai pekanbaru... Hikss so sadd to leaved Duri ;(( so many memories, friends like family, my loyal clients... ( 5 years in Duri) if i remembering about Duri i'll cry huhuhu.... 

But, ok saatnya Move on duonkkk.... 

Memulai hidup baru di Rumbai Pekanbaru... Be nice pliss :* 

Ga banyak clients... Tp lmyan ada beberapa... Kebanyakn jg org2 Duri lg yg jd client aku hehehe... Yg lg mau kondangan di pekanbaru... Lmyann lah buat obat kangen utak atik bkin cantik org hehehe... 

Disambi dgn bisnis kecil2an aku, toko ols mungilku *justmakeupShop* menyenangkan... Mdhn someday bs jd toko dalam partai besar yahh Aminnn...

Ini ada bbrp foto hasil corat coret selama jd tkg rias dirumbai hahayyy... Enjoy it.. 

This is the latest client, my neighbour is mu idol hahahah... Glad to hear she really like the makeup yayyy 

My lovely neighbour too hehehe, for new year celebration... 

This is my friend from Duri... tq Qq.. For graduation day yayyy 

This my friend from Duri Too... tq Ka Ade... Makeup for wedding party 

This is my new friend, she is one of friend from my daughter's school... Makeup for wedding party too.. She wanted her eyes  look bigger with smokey eyes...